Friday, June 10, 2005

BOLIVIA: Civil war "would be better" says Indian leader

Radio Programas del Peru website quotes Indian leader Quispe saying "We are reaching the point of a racial struggle between the whites and the indigenous peoples of this country"..."Either they continue to govern us or we will govern them. It is about time, it is about time that we take over the political power. We want the invaders to return the land to us"...""We are reaching the point of a racial struggle between the whites and the indigenous peoples of this country"... "There has always been war; there must be a war no matter what; there has to be; and in this manner we are going to see who will rule the country."

Quispe, convicted in the 1980s, is a federal deputy from La Paz department and head of the Pachacuti Indigenous Movement and the Sole Sindical Confederation of Campesino Workers of Bolivia (CSUTCB), an organization close to Evo Morale's party MAS. They have been both related to Hugo Chavez by the US government.


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