Thursday, September 14, 2006

Who will yell louder, AMLO or Fox?

President Fox will not lead Mexico’s Independence Day ceremony from the traditional setting of El Zocalo square, in Mexico City. Instead, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), the leftist presidential candidate who hasn’t accepted the formal results of the recent electoral process will perform his own “Grito de Dolores” ceremony at El Zocalo.

The Senate asked Fox to move the ceremony out of El Zocalo to avoid violence. This will likely make look the executive weak and might inject badly needed momentum to AMLO’s resistance. It will all depend on the media coverage and the way both leaders and president elect Calderon, spin the events.

The ceremony is scheduled for September 15. Fox will have his at Dolores Hidalgo, Guanajuato.


At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fox se volvio loco. Debio haber enfrentado al imbecil este. El grito no es mas que un rebenton de modo que al final todos estaremos borrachos.

At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mexican political crisis deepens

A mass rally of supporters of defeated Mexican presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has "elected" him head of a parallel government.
Hundreds of thousands of protesters gathered in Mexico City's main square, the Zocalo for the show of hands.

Mr Lopez Obrador and his supporters have said his defeat by less than 1% of the vote was fraudulent.

However, the highest electoral court has backed the result, giving power to conservative candidate Felipe Calderon.

'Legitimate president'

The demonstrators had flocked to the square after an earlier military parade to mark Independence Day that was overseen by outgoing President Vicente Fox.

Mr Lopez Obrador's supporters had been told to come for a National Democratic Convention.

They voted to swear him in as the "legitimate president" on 20 November, 11 days before Mr Calderon is officially inaugurated.

The campaign hopes to spend the next six years opposing the rule of Mr Calderon.

Some commentators say the "election" of a parallel administration will help reduce the possibility of radical street demonstrations.

One supporter, Lidia Alvarado, said: "It is going to be very rough for Calderon. Wherever he goes, we'll be there to remind him he became president through fraud."

The protesters had occupied the Zocalo since the election seven weeks ago but agreed to disband the tent city for good ahead of Saturday's military parade.

President Fox reviewed thousands of military personnel in the Zocalo at the parade.

But small groups of Lopez Obrador supporters held up signs reading "Fox, crook" and "Vote by vote".

Their campaign has been based on a call for a full recount of the vote.

Others at the parade cheered Mr Fox and president-elect Mr Calderon, who is from the president's party.

On Friday Mr Fox moved Independence Day celebrations out of the capital amid security fears.

He gave "el grito" - the independence cry of "Viva Mexico!" - from the town of Dolores Hidalgo, 270km (170 miles) north of Mexico City, where in 1810 national hero Miguel Hidalgo established the movement for independence from Spain.

A government spokesman said the event was moved from Mexico City because of fears of radical groups planning violence.

At 10:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just out of curiosity, if Obrador won by a few thousand votes, would he feel like the legitimate president?

Why would that make him legitimate, but Calderon winning by such a margin is not legitimate?

If you do not count the US monitoring of the election (because of regional interests), I believe that if the United Nations and European Union agree that the election was fair and valid, I am not so sure Obrador has a legitimate argument.

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Camilo Pino said...

Totally agree


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