Fresh Survey Numbers from Venezuela
A survey by PS&B Associates gives Hugo Chavez a vote intention of 50% against 37% for main contender Manuel Rosales.
However, similar research conducted by local firms IVAD and Datanalisis give Chavez a vote intention of 76.9 and 58.2% respectively.
Distance between Chavez and his contender is reducing but not to the level needed by Rosales. Elections are scheduled for December.
The question is, even if Rosales catches up to Chavez, will there be a fair election?
Will Chavez allow monitors from the United Nations or 'neutral' countries to watch the election process?
Moreover, is it necessary? How big is Chavez's influence in the bureaucracy, and are the election officials corrupt?
Chavez considers himself a revolutionary and revolutionaries do not leave power. If he has to cheat he will.
However, there is a more pressing problem now: Today Chavez doesn't need to cheat.
There are only three months left to the election day. Not an easy ride for Rosales.
08:31 AM) Encuesta confirma popularidad Chávez en países árabes
Túnez.- Una encuesta realizada esta semana en la Universidad de Túnez entre estudiantes de diversas nacionalidades árabes confirmó la popularidad de que goza el presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez en el mundo islámico, reseñó Efe.
Los resultados de la encuesta dados a conocer hoy por el colectivo estudiantil señalan que el discurso pronunciado por Chávez en la tribuna de la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas fue aplaudido por el 90 por ciento de los universitarios.
El 10 por ciento restante estimó que los ataques del mandatario latinoamericano contra el presidente de los Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, "no estaban justificados".
Sin embargo, la totalidad de los cerca de dos mil estudiantes árabes entrevistados coincide en que Chávez se ha convertido en el mundo islámico en uno de los líderes más admirados "incluso muy por encima de sus propios dirigentes", asegura el sondeo.
Como curiosidad, la encuesta señala que los árabes, si tuvieran acceso a la televisión estatal venezolana por satélite, aunque no conozcan el español, la seguirían con mayor atención que la prestada a algunos canales árabes.
Invitados a citar las frases de Chávez que más les han impresionado, los estudiantes destacan con abrumadora mayoría los comentarios del presidente de Venezuela sobre la intervención israelí en el Líbano.
Como colofón, en términos de popularidad los estudiantes de la universidad tunecina colocan a Chávez por encima del líder libio Muamar Al Gadafi, del presidente egipcio Hosni Mubarak y del rey Abdalá de Jordania.
Chavez´s recent secretary minister was sister of previous Electoral Council president, and the former Supreme Court president is now ambassador of the Chavez governement, and former Electoral Council president is now a Supreme Court judge, designated by governement, and now all the 5 main directors of the Electoral Council are leftish designated directly by Chavez. Does this tell you something?. In Vzla, the persons who signed to have a referendum to quit Chavez, has been registrated into a electronic list, then they can not obtain any job or loan or benefit program from the state and its contractors. The Electoral Council gave in a public way to the government, all the personal data pertaining to the people who signed counter Chavez.
The government assembled a 100% electronic vote system, and i last for 13 hours myself in a row during the referendum to vote a YES/NO question (Manually i never last complex votations for more than 2 hours) the results were given at 4.05 a.m. when 99% of the people were sleeping. The Carter Center as elections observers received in a public way, 1 million US $ gift from Venezuelan government 2 months before elections.
I only publish facts here, you make your own opinion.
These polls are flawed in that they don't take into account the fear factor. The government has threated anyone with job loss or social services if they vote against Chavez. so would you expect a person to tell the truth if a stranger came to their home and asked who would they vote for? I don't think they would.
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